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Writer's pictureRose Crawford

Superman and the hospital bag

As a first-time mom looking back. That hospital bag held more meaning then just carryin

g my stuff. I had lightly read "What to expect when you're expecting". I kind of felt prepared. Nursey (or what I thought a nursey would need) was done. I had a car seat sitting in there just waiting for December to come.

I had called my mom to tell her the book never told me you could be sick in your 36 week of pregnancy. Like first trimester still sick as dog, sick. As we talked, she asked if I had packed my hospital bag yet. I remember laughing and saying no! I still had four week's which meant this pregnancy would last forever, I would be fine. We hung-up and I had to get ready for my day, I was meeting a friend M for shopping and dinner. I would just pick her brain on what to put in this darn bag.

The day went buy of shopping and talking. The day lead into dinner down at a local southern restaurant. Seeing we were in the middle of Germany this was a great find for the momma who craving BBQ. It was packed, people I knew from work were eating at the table next to us. As we were eating our meal the person, I was with was telling me to pack a hospital bag soon, but with no real advice what to put into it. I stood up as dinner ended and my water broke. Like what you see on T.V shows. Yup that was me, right there next to people I had seen at work earlier soaked in amniotic fluid. I ran to the bathroom and locked the door swearing I probably just peed my pants. M followed me into the bathroom telling me we needed to go to the hospital because K was on his way. The owner came into the bathroom telling me to leave for the hospital, that she would never deliver a baby in her bathroom.

So, we finally left and drove to the hospital. They checked to make sure it was indeed water, and I was admitted. Even though my water had broken my labor wasn't progressing, so they ended up inducing me. Seeing this was my first pregnancy there I sat. No hospital bag, no plan for delivery, feeling so under prepared. One epidural, and 8 hours later I was ready to push. I pushed for an hour getting nowhere until the doctor said I see hands.... Pretty sure they mentioned a head in the book not hands first. Nope. K Super-manned his way into my life and changed it forever. And guess what ladies. We made it. I still left the hospital without a perfectly packed bag. Seeing he was born 4 weeks early I ended up asking someone to bring up preemie clothes to leave the hospital anyways. Now if you know I love a plan. But my superman has taught me to go more with punches since the day I found out he was in my life.

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