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Writer's pictureRose Crawford

Walking Hindsight

It's come on quick here. School started last week for my three bigger children. Meaning my morning walks with five kids is now down to two. Mornings are still finding their routine. I won't lie to you I am not one of those moms who has their lives together the first week or school. If we are being honest it takes about a month before bedtime routines are settled enough to resemble a routine.

But the one thing that does happen is my morning walks. They have been something I've done for years. The selfish part of me it helps me mentally just get on with our day. J my four-year-old loves our walks. He knows we will end with a trip to the park. Now that the big ones are back to school that means more time with himself, baby, and I. I look forward to them as well. I love hearing the stories that he can come up with as we are "strolling".

Then it hit me today as we were walking. This is my last school year having to push two in a stroller. J starts Kindergarten next year. Later this month he will be in preschool two days out of the week. And my heart broke. I've had two in strollers for as long as I can remember. We were growing our family. This was a first of the "lasts" and I am all over the place. There is no "well maybe My Other Half can be convinced we can have one more." Maybe there will be more walks with my newborn and toddler. Nope. That's not an option anymore. So I am going to sit here during nap time and reminance about all the walks where I had a double stroller. Loading and unloading toddlers. Why is hindsight so clear? This school I am going to enjoy each moment, the loading up, the walking until the snow comes.

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